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Amanda standing still, or so looked, but could not see Wu Zaixuan figure, was secretly Ta Kwu, in the end what happened, Wu Zaixuan This is how it? Is wondering, only to hear in the corner of the corridor, faint came a burst of voices, sound looming elusive. Amanda a cold heart, thought to himself: This is in the end who is speaking? At that moment, 'aquamarine God eye' sudden surge of more dazzling blue light moment, in the dark hallway, the bright blue light as if Pitt blue ocean. The moment Amanda's heart in his throat. Just at this time, nike air max 95 hear a familiar male voice, Amanda heart lifted, that sound the Wu Zixuan, Amanda identify with the direction of the voice, and quickly ran over. Came around the corner of the stairs, Amanda wavefront looked down, suddenly saw immediate scene touched a 佝偻着身子 elderly are standing at the Wu Zaixuan the front, as if being himself talking what.

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